Defining Custom UploadTags - DAM v4.8.0

Defining Custom UploadTags - DAM v4.8.0

1 Process overview

  1. ProcessUpload or ProcessReIdentify WebService methods identify the Upload as usual.
  2. All defined UploadTags are parsed against the asset_information.infoxml document
  3. A batchUpdate call is prepared from AssetType, Upload ItemID and UploadTag/value Dictionary
  4. BatchUpdate WebService is called.

2 UploadTag definition

Uploadtagname_defintion table






Primary key






Xpath used to extract the tag value



Xmlnamespaces needed by Xpath. Space seperated list of xml namespace definitions: xmlns:rdf="rdf namespace url" xmlns:iptc="iptc namespace url"



(Optional) function name



Tags that should have already been parsed before this tag is processed



Is this uploadTag enabled



Is this uploadTag defined by Digizuite

3 Defining custom uploadtags

Important: Custom tags that clash with future updates of DAM Center will be renamed to <tagname>RENAMED<GUID>.

To avoid this, always start custom tags with custom: and set systemDefined to 0.

4 Defined functions DigiZuiteLogic\UploadInformation\Bll\TagFunctions.bll.cs

If requiredTags contains uploadtags, the first tag is used as the argument source for the function, otherwise the Xpath is used as the argument source.

  • ShortestString - Selects shortest string
  • LongestString - Selects longest string
  • SelectInt - Selects values which contain only numbers that match the regular expression:
  • SelectNonInt - Selects values that do not match SelectInt
  • SelectIntFromStart - Selects values which begin with numbers that match the regular expression:

  • Only the number part is returned.
  • Example: 1234kb would be returned as 1234
  • SelectDecimal - Selects values which can be parsed as decimal
  • SelectAspect - Selects all values that match the regular expression:
  • Example: 16/9 or 4:3
  • SelectDuration - Selects all values that match the regular expression:
  • Example: 23:59:59.120
  • SelectChannelPositions - Selects all values that match the regular expression:
  • Example: 2/0/0 or 5/2/1.1
  • ValueCount - Returns count of values
  • JoinBySemicolon - Returns values joined by semicolons as a single string
  • JoinBySpace - Returns values joined by spaces as a single string
  • JoinByComma - Returns values joined by commas as a single string
  • JoinByForwardSlash - Returns values joined by forward slashes as a single string
  • JoinByBackSlash - Returns values joined by back slashes as a single string
  • JoinByCrLf - Returns values joined by forward carrier linefeeds as a single string
  • JoinByVerticalbar - Returns values joined by vertical bar | as a single string
  • SplitBySemicolon - Returns a list of values Split by semicolon
  • SplitBySpace - Returns a list of values Split by space
  • SplitByComma - Returns a list of values Split by Comma
  • SplitByCrLf - Returns a list of values Split by carrier linefeeds
  • SplitByForwardSlash - Returns a list of values Split by Forward slash
  • SplitByBackSlash - Returns a list of values Split by Back slash
  • SplitByVerticalbar  - Returns a list of values Split by Vertical Bar |
  • WidthFromGeometry - Return the width from the Imagemagick geometry value
  • HeightFromGeometry - Returns the height from the Imagemagick geometry value
  • XOffsetFromGeometry - Returns the X-Offset from the Imagemagick geometry value
  • YOffsetFromGeometry - Returns the Y-Offset from the Imagemagick geometry value
  • DpiXFromResolution - Returns the x part of the resolution (96x96)
  • DpiYFromResolution - Returns the y part of the resolution (96x96)
  • RoundVideoRotation - Returns the rotation rounded to nearest 90°

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