1 Users and Groups - DAM v4.6.1
Emilis Bliudzius (Unlicensed)
The users and groups menu refers to the users and groups that have access to the Digizuite™ DAM Center as well as other products that supports local user access.
The other products that support local user access besides the Digizuite™ DAM Center are:
- Digizuite™ Video Portal
- Digizuite™ Media Manager
- Digizuite™ Office Connector
1.1 Create a user
Navigate to System tools → Users and groups → Users and add a new user by pressing on the Add button. Create a new user called Administrator.
The Administrator user has been created. Once the user is selected in the right panel of the Digizuite™ DAM Center, you can further configure the user's rights and settings.
Note: you can organize the users into different folders and subfolders.
As it can be seen in the Standard tab will further configure the user's settings, roles and restrictions.
There are different configuration that can be done to a User, starting from editing his First name and Last name, continuing with setting up the language of the system and ending up with assigning roles.
1.1.1 User profile
- Username field – edit the user's login name.
- Binding user name field – it integrates with an Active Directory user
- Password field –reset the password of a user. (Note: the password cannot be retrieved if lost. The administrator will have to reset it)
1.1.2 Configuration
You have different possibilities of configuring a User profile. In the Standard tab, you can set:
- Default metadata language – select the default metadata (Note: if left blank will use the default configuration)
- Default application language – select the language of the system
- Groups – assign the selected user to an already created group
- Roles – assign roles to the users (see /wiki/spaces/DD/pages/42303772)
Note: To add Groups or Roles, select the desired option and press "+" . If you want to remove one, select it from the blue box and press "-".
Note: After you finished editing press Save to save and apply the settings, or press Reset to reset all the settings and start from the beginning.
1.2 Create a group
Navigate to System tools → Users and groups → Groups and add a new group by pressing on the Add button.
Note: you can organize the groups into different folders and subfolders.
1.2.1 Group profile
- Group name – edit the group name
- Binding group name – it integrates with an Active Directory group
- Descriptive name – add a description to the group
- Sortindex – it will proritize the groups in a list view based on their index. (Note: the smaller the number is, the higher priority the group will have)
1.2.2 Configuration
- Default metadata language – select the language of the metadata menu that will show up every time the users will edit the metadata information (Note: use the dropdown menu to select different languages)
- Default application language – select the language of the system
- Users – assign users to the created group
- Roles – assign roles to the group of users (see /wiki/spaces/DD/pages/42303772)
Note: To add Groups or Roles, select the desired option and press "+". If you want to remove one, select it from the blue box and press "-".
Note: After you finished editing press Save to save and apply the settings, or press Reset to reset all the settings and start from the beginning.
Table of Contents