1 Actions - DAM v4.7.0
1 Actions - DAM v4.7.0
Emilis Bliudzius (Unlicensed)
Owned by Emilis Bliudzius (Unlicensed)
Dec 13, 2016
Loading data...
1.1 Pre switch
Depending on the size of the database between 2 and 6 hours should be expected as shut-down- time.
1.2 Switch action
Note: During this time all new data in Digizuite™ DAM will not be saved.
The following steps must be followed in order to implement the database change correctly.
WEB server
- Stop DigiMonitor + DigiMonitorPluginExecutor
- Stop website (Digizuite™ DAM)
Batch server
- Stop DigiBatchService
- Stop DigiBatchSubmitService
SQL server:
- Take database dump from #SQLSVR_OLD.customer_dam (+_jobs)
- Stop #SQLSVR_OLD.customer_dam (+_jobs) (to assure only new DB is running)
- Restore the database to #SQLSVR_NEW.customer_dam (+_jobs)
- Create users admin_customerdam + admincustomer_dam_jobs (+schemes) on both databases (as in the old databases).
- If any JobAgent jobs - move these manually and make sure they match the intended!
WEB server:
- Create new database reference (e.g. use DigiZuiteUpdater) to #SQLSVR_NEW.customer_dam
- Change database reference in:
- web.config ([siteinstallpath]/web.config)
- DigiMonitorPluginExecutorService.exe.config ([DigiMonitoPath])
- DigiMonitorService.exe.config ([DigiMonitoPath])
- Change SqlConnection in DigiMonitor.config (Data Source)
- Restart DigiMonitor/DigiMonitorPluginExecutor (Windows Services)
Batch server:
- Create (/merge to regedit) new databaseref #SQLSVR_NEW.customer_dam
- Configure DigiBatch
- Add #SQLSVR_NEW.customer_dam_jobs to jobengines (+ normal implementation)
- Remove #SQLSVR_OLD.customer_dam_jobs from jobengines
- Stop/Start all DigiBatch services (Windows Services)
Test the Digizuite™ DAM and any attached portal.
1.3 Post Switch
When test is successful:
- Detach #SQLSVR_OLD
- Remove old databaseref #SQLSVR_OLD.customer_dam (+jobs) from regedit (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/DigiEyeZ/DigiBatch)
Batch server:
- Remove old databaseref #SQLSVR_OLD.customer_dam (+jobs) from regedit (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/DigiEyeZ/DigiBatch)
Table of Contents
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