1 Manage Filter Options - DAM v4.7.0

1 Manage Filter Options - DAM v4.7.0

The filter options is defined in the search GetAssets located under: System tools → ConfigManager → Digizuite™ DAM Center → <<Version number>> → Searches. The following xml shows the below screenshots filter options.


In order for the searchField to be treated as a filter option, it should have the following rules:

  1. Attribute visible=true
  2. renderType=xxx

Note: renderType (string) describes how the UI should render this field. See possible values here.

stringThis is a standard input field.
comboThis should render as a classic dropdown box.
treeThis should render as a classic tree control.
multicomboThis should render as a classic dropdown box with multi select.
boolThis should render as a classic checkbox.
assettypeThis should render as a classic dropdown box with multi select.

This should render with 2 date pickers from and to date

Note: The id of the field, should match the label constant in the ConfigManager.

<searchField id="sAssetType" fieldName="asset.asset_type" operator="AND" valueHandler="InList" visible="true" renderType="assettype" />
<searchField id="sDateBetween" fieldName="asset.upload_date" operator="AND" valueHandler="Between" visible="true" renderType="datebetween" />
<searchField id="sKeywords" itemGuid="6AFE78B7-3F24-49F3-BF95-24890EA62696" operator="AND" valueHandler="Equals" visible="true" renderType="string" /> 
<searchField id="sNotDownloadable" itemGuid="2772EDAC-1917-4106-AD6F-CB8891408DD5" operator="AND" valueHandler="Equals" visible="true" renderType="bool" /> 
<searchField id="sMenu" itemGuid="BF0AD1A6-984A-494E-A227-9D70C6A864F9" field="item_tree_valueid" operator="AND" valueHandler="InList" visible="true" renderType="tree" />
<searchField id="sDistribution" metaFieldId="50026" operator="AND" valueHandler="Equals" field="item_combo_valueid" visible="true" renderType="combo" /> 
<searchField id="sAllowedAdGroups" metaFieldId="10135" operator="AND" valueHandler="InList" field="item_combo_valueid" visible="true" renderType="multicombo" /> 
<searchField id="sUploadedByUser" metaFieldId="50023" operator="AND" valueHandler="Equals" visible="true" renderType="combo" /> 
<searchField id="sUploadedByUserMulti" metaFieldId="10134" operator="AND" valueHandler="InList" visible="true" renderType="multicombo" />

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