1 Configure display fields - DAM v4.7.0

1 Configure display fields - DAM v4.7.0

The settings for tooltips and columns are defined in the search GetAssets, located under System tools → ConfigManager → Digizuite™ DAM Center → <<Version number>> → Searches tab. The section is marked with the comments Display fields Start and Display fields End. Fields can be removed and added freely in this section, although you should at minimum have one tooltip and one column field (can be the same field).

The following screen shows the settings required in the search for the tooltip and columns to look like the above screenshots. All the configuration is done in the Output section:

The primary attributes used to control tooltip and columns are isTooltip: true and isColumn: true, combined with the attributes labelConstantId and returnType (explained in section 2). The first, isTooltip: true, shows the value of the field in the tooltip, and isColumn: true shows the value of the field as a column in the list view. In order for this to work, you will also need to set the labelConstantId. The value here will be the label constant of the name you want to give to the field. These labels are defined in System tools → ConfigManager → Digizuite™ DAM Center → <<Version number>> under the Label tab, inside the folder Digizuite DAM Center → ValueFields.

Using the above example, to show the value of the importedBy field in the tooltip and columns and call that field Uploaded by, we set isColumn and isTooltip to true and the labelConstantId to valueUploadedBy - a label we have defined in all languages in the Config manager.

There are two more settings available for the columns, the columnWidth and columnHidden attributes:

  • The columnWidth sets the relative or fixed widths for the columns in the list view. This value can be a width in pixels e.g. 80px or it can be a flex value, a number without a unit, e.g. 1. It is recommended to use flex widths as much as possible, and only use fixed widths if you need to make a column smaller. If you define all the columns with a flex: 1, they will all take up an equal amount of space in the grid. If you want a column to take up twice as much space as the others, set that field's flex value to 2 and all the other's to 1. Ask your local developer if in doubt, or research Ext.js flex setting.
  • The columnHidden: true sets the field to be hidden as default (the user can then enable them in the list view if they want).

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