2 Configuration of Password Hashing - DAM v4.7.0
2 Configuration of Password Hashing - DAM v4.7.0
By default, you can specify password hashing configuration in the Dmm3BWSV3 web.config file.
You do not have to setup this configuration as it would default to the above values. However if you specify this section, the workfactor attribute is required, the pepper is not.
This example shows how to setup a system using a workfactor of 80000 and a custom 32 byte pepper (for example readability):
<configuration> <configSections> <section name="passwordHashing" type="Digieyez.Digizuite.DigiZuiteLogic.PasswordHandling.Configuration.PasswordHashingSection" /> </configSections> <connectionStrings /> <passwordHashing workfactor="80000" pepper="hOHdlAaF3xZA4uON5hMuNiBeV5kfudE1w1szOLJ/Mjk=" /> </configuration>
This example shows the default configuration:
<configuration> <configSections> <section name="passwordHashing" type="Digieyez.Digizuite.DigiZuiteLogic.PasswordHandling.Configuration.PasswordHashingSection" /> </configSections> <connectionStrings /> <passwordHashing workfactor="64000" pepper="" /> </configuration>