DC 5.8 Requirements

DC 5.8 Requirements

This section contains the requirements for installing Digizuite DAM Center


The installation process installs most of the requirements, however, the below must be met

Server requirements

The servers described in the previous section has the following requirements

Web server

The web server has the following requirements 

  • Windows server 2019 or Windows server 2022
  • .NET Framework 4.7.2+
  • PowerShell 5.1+
  • Administrative access to server
  • Access to database using standard SQL connection (typically port 1433)
  • Open on port 443 or 80, depending on protocol (https or http)
  • if https is to be used, a valid https certificate needs to be installed
  • Minimum 8 GB RAM


  • Installing Solr before the DC can lead to the installer failing, because Solr will gave taken up the needed port.
  • Some servers require the program "Microsoft Monitoring Agent" to be removed for the DC to open up correctly.

Database server

The database server has the following requirements

  • Windows server 2019 or Windows server 2022
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017, Microsoft SQL Server 2019 or Azure SQL
    • SQL Edition must be Web or higher
    • SQL Server must use mixed mode authentication
    • TCP/IP must be enabled
  • Administrative access to server
  • Open on port 1433 (standard SQL port) for SQL connections


If it is desired to use in the installation process of the DAM Center an SQL user that does not have the sysadmin role, then the database needs to be pre-staged before the installation. By using this option the installation process will use the admin_company_dam user (see below for SQL roles).

The following has to be created (company below = your company's name):

Two blank databases

  • Company_dam
  • Company_dam_jobs

Two users

  • Admin_company_dam
  • Admin_company_dam_jobs

Security mapping

Both users need to be db_datareader and db_datawriter on each of the two databases. Furthermore each user should be db_owner on it's respective database (i.e. admin_company_dam needs to be db_owner on Company_dam).

Script to pre-stage the database 


Processing server

The processing server has the following requirements

  • Windows server 2019 or Windows server 2022
  • NET Framework 4.7.2+
  • Microsoft System SQL CLR types for SQL Server (same version as database server's SQL version)
  • Administrative access to server
  • Access to database using standard SQL connection (typically port 1433)

Storage server

Digizuite DAM Center supports storage either on local UNC share or as Azure storage. The requirements differ depending on what is chosen


  • Windows server 2019 or Windows server 2022
  • Administrative access to server
  • If not local to web server, a UNC has to be created where specific users has access, see section 2.1

Azure storage

  • Azure storage account, see documentation
  • Storage account name
  • Storage access key

General requirements

This section contains information about general requirements


Digizuite DAM Center operates with two users:

  • Administrative user
  • Storage user


The recommended naming of the users are as follows:

  • Digiadmin
  • Assetstream

The administrative user (Digiadmin) has the following requirements:

  • Must be a local administrator on all servers
  • Domain or local user. If local username and password needs to be the same across servers
  • Needs to have the log on as service privilege

The storage user (Assetstream) has the following requirements:

  • Local user on all servers
  • Domain or local user. If local username and password needs to be the same across servers
  • Needs to have read-only access to storage area (if UNC) (In some instances it needs write-rights to the storage area during installation)
  • Needs to have write to the following folders (if UNC)
    • Storage\DMM\Upload
    • Storage\DMM\FtpUpload


For multi server setups, it is recommended to use domain users


The web interfaces supports the newest edition, at the time of release, of the following browsers:

  • Windows
    • Chrome
    • Mozilla
    • Microsoft Edge
  • Mac OS
    • Safari

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