DFO 3.0.0 - 3.5 Setting up DAM For Optimizely in the DAM Center

This page is mainly for Digizuite Prossional Services or Digizuite Partners.

Changes to the database:

Some updates to your DAM Center's database are required in order for DFO to work with your DAM Center. These changes are done by running a DFO DbUpgrade.exe. The exe has configuration in its App.config file, which must be altered. Alternative way of updating you DAM Center's database, is to run the Console application 'digizuite.integration.episerver' (The project can be found on bitbucket). Make the changes in the App.config and run it. 

Below is a description of the various settings.


A connection string to the DAM Center's DAM database, e.g. "Data Source=[IP address];Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=[DAM Center DAM database];User ID=[SQL username];Password=[SQL password]"


A URL to the DAM Center's API, e.g. "https://jb-dc.qa.digizuite.com/dmm3bwsv3/".


The DbUpgrade does some HTTP requests towards the DAM Center's API. These requests must be authenticated. The username and password settings are the credentials of the user, that's used when making these requests. The supplied credentals are typically for a user with a lot of power in the DAM Center, e.g. "System".


An MD5 hash of the user's password.


The GUID associated with the DFE product version, you want to update. If you're doing a new installation, then simply use the default GUID.


The item GUID for the meta data field "Avilability".

Changes to the configuration in DAM Center

Beware: Here be dragons! If you don't know exactly what you're doing, then don't alter the configuration options specified below!

It's best practice to create a new product version before changing any of the default configuration, and then doing your changes in the new product version. This will make troubleshooting easier and also provide more granular control when updating in the future.

After your DAM Center's database has been altered, a new Product called "Episerver" has been added to the DAM Center. DbUpgrade.exe also creates an initial Product Version called "Default". Other things were also added to the database: a Channel, transcode settings, and many other things. Most of these are boilerplate, and be safely ignored by the typical DFE administrator.

The new Product Version can be found in the ConfigManager tree in the DAM Center's System tools. Expand the Episerver node and select the "Default" leaf node. 

You will see four tabs "Config parameters", "Profiles and destinations", "Searches", and "Labels". The typical administrator will only ever be looking at "Config parameters", so the other tabs will not be documented here.

There are two tabs in Config parameters: Config and Crop


The Config tab deals with configuration, which alters the user's experience in the Digizuite gadget.

Portal Menu

This specifies the meta data field, which represents the tree structure used to navigate in the Digizuite gadget. It's possible to change it to another Tree meta data field, but it's discouraged, as it requires changes a search. It's recommended to change the default Tree meta data field "Media Manager menu"'s tree structure instead. Media Manager menu is used in other Digizuite products, so it will also enable a similar user experience across the products, if you do not change it.

Defaults to Media Manager menu.

Sorting types

The available sorting types in the Digizuite gadget's list of assets.

Defaults to Date and Alphabetic.

Default sorting

The sorting type, that the Digizuite gadget will use by default.

Defaults to Date.

Main search folder

The Channel, which the Digizuite gadget should use. 

Defaults to Episerver.

Upload channel ID

This value is stamped on all assets uploaded via the Digizuite gadget. This is used by Digizuite work flows to ensure that such assets are published to the Episerver Channel. It can also be used in more advanced scenarios when combined with searches and workflows. 

Defaults to "Episerver".

Editor qualities

These are the qualities, which are available when inserting an asset into a web site. 

All of the default values have matching "Profiles and destinations" configured, so that all assets in DFE have been trans-coded to these qualities and formats. If you want any additional Editor qualities, then you should also ensure that the added formats are trans-coded. This is a rather advanced use case, so altering this configuration is discouraged.

Crop name metafield

Episerver usergroups


The Crop tab deals with the available crops when cropping images in the Digizuite gadget.

The default crops are 1:1 Square, 3:2 Standard photo, 16:9 Widescreen, and 4:1 Banner.

Crop name

The name of the Crop option in the Digizuite gadget.

Aspect ratio x

The horizontal aspect ratio.

Aspect ratio y

The vertical aspect ratio.