Set a connector or Media manager to use SSO login

Set a connector or Media manager to use SSO login

This is only for on-prem installation from DAM 5.8 and forward


In order to change a Connector(Adobe/Office..) or Media manger you have to logon the server that is hosting the website. Normally the application server.

You go to the website folder and edit the appsettings.json

Here you will have the following options:

"UseFederatedAuthentication": true,
"EnableNormalLogin": true

UseFederatedAuthentication will enable the SSO login

EnableNormalLogin will allow you to still login with Non SSO users.

The enablement of SSO is the same for all our connectors and Media manager.




"UseFederatedAuthentication": true,
"EnableNormalLogin": true

Will allow both SSO and non SSO users to login


"UseFederatedAuthentication": true,
"EnableNormalLogin": false

This will only allow SSO users to login


"UseFederatedAuthentication": false,
"EnableNormalLogin": true

This will only allow non SSO users to login


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