/ Change Media Manager's search filters - DAM v4.9.0 Change Media Manager's search filters - DAM v4.9.0

Adding a new filter to Media Manager's search requires three actions:

  1. Adding a new filter to the "DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search" search.
  2. Adding the same filter to the searches "DigiZuite_System_Framework_My_Favorites" and "DigiZuite_System_Framework_My_Videoes" 
  3. Creating a new label (if one does not already exist), whose Constant matches the new Filter's ID.

(MM) Add new search parameter

  1. Go to System tools → ConfigManager → Digizuite™ Media Manager → 4.0.0 → OOBE (or Default)
  2. In OOBE press Searches and then DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search
  3. Press "Add"
  4. Press "Choose metafield group"
  5. Navigate to the metadata field you'd like to add (Usually beneath Asset → Shared → Asset Info or ... → Options)
  6. Press "Done"
  7. Press "Choose metadata field" and select the field you'd like to add.

  8. Press "Comparison type" and choose "Freetext"
  9. Change the ID to be "fX" (where X is a variable where you input the name of the search. It has to be unique.) (Usually you'd can just set an f in front of the auto generated ID.)

  10. Press "Create"
  11. Press "Save" for the search (NOT the entry - the entry's save button is situated under "Details" on the right side!)

  12. Press the left arrow that says "Searches" - This will return you to the searches overview
  13. Press the newly appeared gear icon in the far right of the DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search
  14. Press Yes
  15. A job should now start up
  16. Go to MM, and try searching for something that's in the metadata you've just added.

(MM) Add new filter option

  1. Go to System tools → ConfigManager → Digizuite™ Media Manager → 4.0.0 → OOBE
  2. In OOBE press Searches and then DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search
  3. Press "Add"
  4. Press "Choose metafield group"
  5. Navigate to the metadata field you'd like to add (Usually beneath Asset → Shared → Asset Info or ... → Options)
  6. Press "Done"

  7. Press "Choose metadata field" and select the field you'd like to add.
  8. Choose comparison type (Oftentimes it's AllInList)
  9. Choose input type (Oftentimes multicombo)
  10. (Optional) Change the ID (It just have to be unique to the other searches - you cannot save if it's not)
  11. (Optional) Copy the ID to make it easier to create a label in the upcoming steps
  12. Wing off the "Should this filter be visible in the UI?"

  13. Press "Create"
  14. (If you have Solr) Make certain that the "Use Solr" is winged off
  15. Press "Save" for the search (Not the entry)
  16. Press "OK"

  17. Press the left arrow that says "Searches" - This will return you to the searches overview
  18. Press the newly appeared gear icon in the far right of the DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search
  19. Press Yes
  20. A job should now start up
  21. Now add the same entry to the searches "DigiZuite_System_Framework_My_Favorites" and "DigiZuite_System_Framework_My_Videoes", then save and repopulate by pressing the gear icons, just like in the previous steps.

  22. Press Labels
  23. Expand Digizuite™ Media Manager

  24. Press SearchFields

  25. Press "Add label"
  26. In the new entry that appears, add the ID in the "Constant" and in the "Label" input the text you want it to have in your currently chosen language (If nothing else is shown, you're most likely editing English) Remember to give a Label text for each language.
  27. Press somewhere else on the page, for the "Save" button to be enabled
  28. Press "Save"
  29. Press "OK"
  30. Go to your MM page, and refresh the view
  31. If you have assets that have this metadata set, the filter should now show it to you. (If there's no data, it would not show the filter option)
  32. In order to access filter, make a search from the top right "Search in catalog" field. Afterwards, in the top left corner, press the filter button.

Media Manager uses the search "DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search" to search for assets. A user can input text in the wide text field (this is how any FreeText filters are used), and/or choose to add filters such as "Date" or "Keywords":

2.1 Adding an Asset type filter

First the filter must be added to the search "DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search":

  1. Go to the DAM Center → System tools → ConfigManager.
  2. Choose DigiZuite™ Media Manager.
  3. Choose the version, which your Media Manager is set up to use.
  4. Click the "Searches" tab.
  5. Select the "DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search" search.
  6. Add an asset type filter.
  7. Save the search.
  8. Populate the search (see UseSolr for a more detailed guide).
  9. Ensure that the search has been populated by refreshing the page; if the "populate search cache" cog-wheel button is not present, the search has been successfully populated.


    10. Then you MUST add the same filter to the searches "DigiZuite_System_Framework_My_Favorites" and "DigiZuite_System_Framework_My_Videoes". 

    11. If a label with the correct Constant and Label does not exist, then you MUST create one. Unlike Add new meta data field to Media Manager's Asset Preview, if a label with a Constant matching the added filter's ID does not exists, the Media Manager will throw an error, which results in the filters being unavailable (see Add new meta data field to Media Manager's Asset Preview's section 1.2 Adding a new label for a thorough guide on how to create a label).

In this case, a label already exists with a Constant "sAssetType" and Label "Asset type".

    12. Recycle the Media Manager website.

After doing so, refreshing Media Manager