DFS 8.0.2
- Mathias Mattson (MHM)
- Martin Ulisse
Made it possible to only synchronize configuration or assets
How to access it
Login into Sitecore and go to the content editor. Select the silo located at this path: sitecore → Media Library → Digizuite → your silo item
How it works
Once you have synchronized the silo, then you will have this option menu, where you can only synchronize configuration or assets. This is very useful when you have some configuration to synchronize, but dont want to sync all the assets also.
How to configure it
No configuration needed
Removed dfs_connect_master_index index
We removed the index, no need for it anymore.
How to configure it
No configuration needed
Removed delete button from DAM Explorer
How to access it
Login to Sitecore, go to Sitecore Experience Platform and click DAM For Sitecore Explorer icon.
How it works
When you preview an asset in DAM Explorer, the delete button has been removed. To unpublish an asset from Sitecore, you have to Edit metadata, and remove Sitecore from the Availability metafield.
How to configure it
No configuration needed
Export Media Library package
The Export Media Library package has been extended with new features:
- Support for mapping item properties
- Support for multiple language
How to access it
When you have installed the package DAM for Sitecore Export Media Library 8.0.2.zip you will have 2 new icons in the Media Library. See documentation for details.
How it works
Through the mapping configuration you can now map the items id, path, name and displayname to an metafield in Digizuite.
Through configuration you can now define the default language. The module will then try to get the media file for this language. If it doesn't exists it will use the first media file for any language.
How to configure it
See documentation on how to use and configure
DAM for Sitecore installer
With this console application, you can configure your Digizuite DAM with a DAM for Sitecore channel.
How to configure it
See documentation
Optimized AssetMetadata Api
Accessing metadata through the API has been optimized. Now it also include media urls.
We aldo included an admin page /sitecore/admin/dfs/GetMetadata.aspx?id=[Item ID] for testing.
How to configure it
see documentation
SEO friendly media urls
Now when we render our media urls, they are SEO friendly.
How to access it
If you for example insert an image into the rich text editor (rte), and view the html code, you would see something like this:
<img alt="This is a field with a lot of tulips" src="/media/7d93cd4076254519944126c61c6b23db/59-50036/tulips" />
How it works
As the alt text we use the assets description and as the last part of the src url we use the assets title.
How to configure it
No configuration needed
Improved the way we define media qualities
We have added new config parameter called Editor qualities in Digizuite DAM. Here you add the qualities the Sitecore editors can choose from.
How to access it
Go to Digizuite DAM and navigate to System tools → ConfigManager → Digizuite DAM for Sitecore → Default, Select config parameters tab.
How it works
Add the formats to the list. Remember to only add formats that are used in any of the Sitecore profiles. When the formats are added, go to your Sitecore installation and synchronize the silo again in order have the new qualities.
How to configure it
No configuration needed
Improved logging
We added more logging and now we have 2 logfiles dfs.log and dfs.request.log.
How to access it
You can find the log files here: /[your Sitecore instance]/data/log
How it works
We did split up the dfs.log into 2 files, dfs.log and dfs.request.log.
- dfs.log, will contain all the main logging
- dfs.request.log, will contain all the request between Sitecore and Digizuite DAM. But only if log level is debug.
How to configure it
No configuration needed
Added home button to DAM Explorer
How to access it
Login to Sitecore, go to Sitecore Experience Platform and click DAM For Sitecore Explorer icon.
How it works
When you click the home button, you will return to the main search, all selected menu will be deselected, any facets will be deleted and the free text field will be cleared.
How to configure it
No configuration needed