CCC1.0.0: 5 Getting access

CCC1.0.0: 5 Getting access

Access to the Creative Cloud Connector is controlled in the Digizuite based on access rights. If the user can read the Digizuite configuration, then access is allowed. The Digizuite configuration can be found under System tools → Config Manager → Digizuite™ Adobe Creative Cloud Connector. Right clicking the latter and pressing "Edit folder rights" brings up a windows in which access is controlled. By default all access should be controlled via the assigned group Creative Cloud Users (See screenshot)

Users can be added to this group by going into System tools → Users and Groups → Groups→ Rights management. Locate the group and edit it. In here members (users) can be added to the group. This will grant access to the Creative Cloud Connector. 


Note that billing of this product is done based on how many users use it. We extract this information by whoever has access to the above.

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