As a SITECORE USER editing meta data in fields of type "AssetList", they would like to be able to select multiple assets, when using the "Edit List" functionality, because it will ease the work load if having to add many assets.
How to access the new implementation
Through content editor or experience editor. Locate a content page with a DAM for Sitecore field "AssetList" and click Edit list. The Asset browser opens in multi select mode.
How the implementation works
Click "Edit List"
The Asset browser opens, select an asset and add the quality you wants. Every asset you added will be marked with a blue check mark. Click the update button when done and the assets selected will be transferred to the field.
How to configure the new implementation
There is no configuration.
Support for Sitecore 8.2
The module supports Sitecore 8.2 Update 2 rev. 161221 (include previous version of Sitecore 8.2).
How to access the new implementation
How the implementation works
How to configure the new implementation
Support for Active Directory integration
As an administrator I would like to integrate my already AD enabled Sitecore installation with DAM for Sitecore.