Part of the new DAM 4.5.1 release is represented by the support offered for the new DAM for Sitecore module. The 2 main changes are:
- Support in the installer to choose between DAM For Sitecore 4 and DAM for Sitecore 5
- Default previews
How to access/use the new implementation?
For the time being, this changes are disabled, therefore you will not be able to see or react on them.
When starting the installer a drop-down menu will be visible which will enable you to select one of the following values:
- Empty - do not install any of the DAM for Sitecore modules
- DAM for Sitecore 4 - which will install DAM for Sitecore module 4
DAM for Sitecore 5 - which will install DAM for Sitecore module 5
Default previews
The default preview feature is used through assetstream. The meaning of this feature is to have assetstream deliver another media file, if the requestet file was not found, so the user does not get 404 file not found.
This is something you configure in the config manager under the tab "Default previews".
How the new implementation works?
Default previews
In this example we request an thumb of an asset which is of the type excel. Is has no thumb to return and returns 404 - File or directory not found.
If we then assume the configuration for the default preview is made and then call the same url again.
Now it should return an substitute image. See the next section on how to configure this.
How to configure the new implementation?
CreatedADGroupsAndUsers have moved.
It now resides in the dam center .zip file. Som from version 4.4.1 you while find it here:
Tips & Tricks
What has been released?
What is in the next release?