This guide explains how to install the Digizuite™ DigiBatch.
As the DAM Center requires this to be installed to be fully operational, it's normally recommended that the DigiBatch is installed before the DAM Center is.
However, installing them in another order is also an acceptable approach.
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Please note that if you have a DigiBatch older than version 3.1.0 installed already, then you need to have this uninstalled/removed before you're able to use this guide. If this is the case, then we refer to the update guide for removal instructions. |
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If you are planning on having multiple DigiBatch installations at the same time for the same DAM Center, then all the DigiBatches must have the same version. |
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Batch servers and A/V solutions notice:
Anti-virus software hooks very deep into user systems and can affect disk and network operations.
When it is analyzing data in transmission, an anti-virus monitor process uses up the computer's resources, i.e. processor power and RAM memory. The quantity of resources used by the monitor depends on the settings of the anti-virus program (heuristic analysis, archive scanning, etc.) and on the program manufacturer's optimization of the algorithms for detecting harmful code. Some anti-virus programs use more of the computer's resources than others, but even the best have a negative impact on its output. Processor cycles used to search for harmful code cannot be used by the application being used by the user. With the current fast processors, which nearly always have substantial power reserves when office tasks are being performed, the effect of the load placed on the processor by the anti-virus monitor may not be particularly significant. However, another aspect of the same issue is time, i.e. the time required to execute the filtering algorithm. In fact, it is the increased duration of disk operations which is most noticeable and troublesome for both local and network disk access. Regardless of what disk you have (S-ATA, SCSI or SSD) and its speed, each I/O operation will take more time.
Studies show, that when heuristic code analysis options (i.e. the most time-consuming) are used, resident anti-virus protection slows down data reading operations by as much as 600% when scanning compressed files and archives. When the options for advanced analysis and scanning of archives and mail files are switched on, the time increase rises to 250-600 per cent. This means that with the anti-virus monitor switched on, disk operations can be performed as much as six times more slowly [1, 2, 4].
Besides the problems mentioned above, it is also possible that the anti-virus monitor will block some or all of the files, because in certain situations some anti-virus programs try to check a file when another application has already started reading the file. Such a situation can lead to system errors occurring such as "Cannot find file", "Cannot open file" or "Incorrect path name". In the case of mapped network disks or compressed volumes, an error in reading file parameters can also occur. For example, when the actual size of a file is 100 kB, interference caused by anti-virus software can lead to zero byte size occurring or a size measured in PB [3]. If one of these errors occurs, the file in question will be bypassed during archiving. This may result in both errors during reading but also result in data loss during write operations.
We recommend that access to Batch engine servers are treated the same way as backup servers for example. This means restrict access to these server so that no one but administrators and Batch engine services accounts can access the file systems. And either run these servers without A/V solutions or have them disabled during everyday usage with the option to perform on-demand scans.
[1] Anti-virus software may impact Visual SourceSafe performance[2] Configuring Antivirus Software
[3] A 0-byte file may be returned when compression is enabled on a servers
[4] Performance Tuning Guidelines for Windows Server 2008
3.1 Prerequisites
The batch System requires that Microsoft.NET Framework 4.6.2. is installed on the Server.
If the DAM Center is installed on multiple servers, the BatchSystem needs to run as a user with sufficient rights to handle files, this user is referred to as the Batch User or System User.
3.3 Install Batch
To install the batch system, go to the #installsource#\DigiBatch directory,
- Right click the file named DigiBatch_Setup.exe and run it as administrator

- Accept license agreement, and click Next

- Specify service instance names as a comma separated list, and click Next

- Specify service user account, and click Next

- Select Typical and click Next

- Wait for installer to complete

Note: ImageMagick and GhostScript installers, located in the installation folder, are automatically installed by the DigiBatch_Setup installer.