This section describes how to configure a content delivery (CD) server to use DAM for Sitecore.
- DFS.dll
- DFS.Client.dll
- DFS.Client.Services.dll
- DFS.Connect.dll
- DFS.Connect.Digizuite.dll
- DFS.ContentSearch.dll
- DFS.Digizuite.dll
- DFS.Services.dllRestSharp.dll
The latter is a DLL used for calling web services.
For a CD Server, there is no reason for the auto synchronization to run, as that is handled by the CM server.
To disable this, comment out the <hooks> </hooks> section in DFS.Connect.config found under Configuration/Sitecore.
6 Disable security on DFSMedia pipeline (optional)
Info |
If you do not disable security checks, because it is important, then the extranet\Anonymous user must be assigned role sitecore\Digizuite DAM for Sitecore Users as a minimum |
7 Publish relevant parts of master to web