One of the searches A MatchSearch in the Import configuration is used to Match assets. It is used in two scenarios:
- Setting metadata on existing assets
- Replacing existing assets with new versions
In either case, the Importer needs to know what assets to work with and this is exactly what the MatchSearch is used for.
The standard search, delievered with the Importer app, goes by the name DamImporterMatchSearch and can be it is used as default way to perform matching logic. It is entirely up to the Importer user whether to use this search or their own as long as it conforms to a couple of rules as described here.
While not a rule for the search definition as such, it is also important to note the DAMs read access is in place so the user configured for the Importer must have read access to the assets needed for the Importer.
The match search delivered with the Importer will use uses the assets Title to match. This will does not meet any all customers requirement in which case it will is be necessary to either change the existing one or create a new search definition.
Give the search a name (for this example it wil be is DamImporterMatchSearchByAssetId):