To install the Office Connector (henceforth referred to as "OC"), install an additional Media OC the exact same way you would install a Media Manager 5 (MM) as you normally would.This installation must point to a separate child configuration made for OC.
Admin Configuration
Next, download the following file:
Replace all references to localhost, with the OC site reference. E.g. if OC/MM is is installed at, then replace localhost with
If Centralized Deployment is possible (see Digizuite™ Office Connector 2.0 - 0. Requirements), do the following:
Login using a user set up to use OC.
Now you should be able to use the connector as you'd like to see fit.
If you want to install it for another computer - you need to do the last steps again - starting from the section where you access the Office Add-ins and press ADMIN MANAGED.
If you have installed OC on a device for one Office product (e.g. Word), you will automatically get the connector on the two remaining Office products (e.g. Excel and PowerPoint).