The DAM for Sitecore adds 3 4 new log files to you Sitecore instance. They are placed in the same folder as Sitecores log files.
- dfs.log
- dfs.request.log
- dfs.assetinuse.log
- dfs.digizuiteintegration.log
The configuration is placed inĀ \App_Config\Include\damforsitecore\DFS.Client.config under the node log4net. By default the log level is set to INFO for each of the tree files. If you need to debug a problem, you can set the log level to DEBUG and the module will print more into the log files.
- AssetItemId (ID)
- Item (Item)
- AssetInUse (bool)
- ContentItemsReferrers (List<string>)
In this log file you will see when ever the Digizuite sends notifications about asset updates and deletions.