Integration Endpoints are push-based as opposed to API integration integrations which are always pull. Integration Endpoints are build built on top of an integration architecture that will always handle the foundation of exporting assets and their metadata but with the following variables:
- How should the metadata lookbe pushed? Out of the box, we deliver a user can chose between Excel, XML and standard JSON. Do the receiving system expect a certain format? If so then Digizuite must be involved to create the transformation component.
- How should data be pushed to the external system? Digizuite have all the assets and metadata ready but should this be pushed to FTP, to a REST endpoint, using a 3rd party API or something completely different. Digizuite can accommodate most.
- What events should trigger the data to be pushed. Metadata changes, folder changes and different events are optionable.
- Integration Endpoint Name
- Channel Folder ID that it should be linked to
- Define what events to subscribe
- Publish or Unpublish Event: Listens on Channel Folder , Metadata, Profile and Delete change eventschanges based on the channel folder ID above.
- Asset Security Change Event: Rights management changed on the asset
- Asset Deleted Event: Indicates when assets are deleted from the DAM
- Metadata Change Event: A list of metadata fields IDs that should trigger an update. You can chose whether or not include or exclude the list of metadata ids. If excluded, then the events will ignore everything in the list and included the other way around.
- Asset Profile Published Event: A list of profile IDs that are reacting on Asset Profile Published events. This list is only includes so if an ID has been defined and you receive a Asset Profile Published event for that ID, then the update will be sent.
- Should metadata be exported and how should it be transformed (As stated above, if not standard excel or xml, then Digizuite would have to create the transformation).
- Delivery Mechanism for the assets + metadata. Where and how should it be delivered.
- Examples could be Youtube, Sitecore, FTP or one of your own downstream systems (Digizuite would have to add the delivery mechanism as stated above if not out of box)