New Search Editor (Search2)New Search Editor:Search2 has gotten a new, more user friendly UI. The new Search Editor is a replacement for the XML text area, which was previously used to edit and/or create searches. The XML definition of a search has been completely blackbox'ed, in that a user no longer sees the XML. Instead the XML is parsed and displayed in a more user friendly manner. The "user friendly" part of the new UI is that several choices are made for the user, for example the order of filters, which is now programmatically calculated; it is impossible to make mistakes with regard to "valueHandler"-"renderType" combinations, etc. The only times where a user is forced to input text is for a filter/value field's ID and any "predetermined values". Search2 documentation:The new Search Editor comes with updated documentation, which guides the user through the use of the new Search Editor as well as defining various terms such as "valueHandler" and all of its allowed values. How to access itHow it works |