4.1 Metadata
Selecting an asset from the Catalog area or Channels area, loads the metadata editor in the right side of the screen. From the metadata editor it is possible to change the metadata information for one or more assets at the same time (multi-metadata editing).
Metadata fields with high relevance for any type of assets, e.g. title, description and keywords, are displayed on the All asset types tab. Other metadata tabs, which is specific to the selected asset type, e.g. EXIF for images, are placed on a separate tab, below the All asset types tab.
The EXIF tab contains standard exif metadata equal to exif data displayed in third party products such as Adobe Photoshop. Exif is a conventional metadata standard which is automatically imported into the Digizuite™ DAM Center. The amount of data being shown varies in accordance with the amount of embedded metadata in the source file uploaded to the Digizuite™ DAM Center.
Note: Metadata can be updated individually for each language. To update metadata on a different language click the language button in the bottom of the metadata editor. Remember to click Submit before switching tabs or selecting other assets, otherwise changes will be lost.
4.2 Users/User groups
To create a new user or user group, e.g. the Digizuite™ Media Manager, navigate to System tools → Users and Groups → Users