Insights migration
When 6.0 is installed, it is no longer possible to migrate data from the old insights system to the new insights system. If data from the old insights system needs to be migrated, this must happen on a 5.X version before upgrading, using the program that can be found here: https://digizuite.atlassian.net/wiki/x/TQHA2.
Transcode system migration
As described in https://digizuite.atlassian.net/wiki/x/bIAj3Q, the old transcode system is automatically migrated to the new transcode system. However, it might not be possible to automatically migrate all existing media formats, although this will be possible in most cases.
YouTube Service migration
If you have a configured YouTube Client where the
search has been configured to use different metafields than the defaults for “Title” and “Description”, the YouTube client must be re-configured manually after upgrading to 6.0. Please refer to https://digizuite.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DD/pages/3804631595/DC+6.0+YouTube+Service#YouTube-client-creation for more information on how to do this.