Work in Progress Stages introduces 2 new roles:
WorkStages_View - Allows a user to view the work stages of the assets and allowed them to edit the stages which are assigned to them or which have no assignee.
WorkStages_Edit_Others - Allows a user to edit stages that are assigned to other members.
Due to the user needing to select other users to assign Member_Viewer to the user.
Configuring the stages
By default, Media Manager 5 will provide 3 stages:
Creative (Under behandling)
Approved (Godkendt)
Expired (Udløbet)
Existing stages may be modified and additional ones can be added, if needed. For that, In DAM Center, navigate to System tools → Metadata → Asset → Shared → Tasks and edit the combo values of the Status metafield.
The value combo values belonging the Status metafield must use the following special pattern: "{stage-color-in-hex-format};{slug-value}". Please take the predefined options as example.
Translating the stages can done by editing the combo values in the language desired.
When picking the colours associated to a new stage, it is recommended to choose from the list provided by the Creative Department.
In Media Manager 5
After the configure is successfully done, the following new status will appear in the left-side menu of Media Manager.
Known Issues