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The following editing options are available for transitions:



Top area of the modal

This is the name of the transition.

Transition type

  • Automatic transition happens when the conditions specified by the constraints are fulfilled.

  • Manual transition is the default option. It means that an assigned user needs to manually transition to the next stage by clicking on the action button in a resulting task and selecting one of the available options.

  • Timed transition happens after a specific period of time.

Unique ID

Can be any value consisting of letter and numbers. It needs to be unique only within the same workflow. It is used to identify a correct transition when setting up automations dependent on existing workflows.


This is available for automatic transitions only.

If there are are multiple transitions triggered automatically at the same time, you can decide which transition wins out. This ensures the user that their system is always in a known state, as race conditions aren’t occuring.

Postpone until

This is available for timed transitions only.

If selected, the automatic execution of the transition is postponed by a set period of time (Set duration) or until the day specified in a Date Input Constraint within the same workflow (Pick key).


This is an optional field meant to provide an explanation of what is supposed to happen in a particular transition. It is especially useful, if there are multiple users working with the same workflow.


The user can set up conditions that need to be met for the transition to occur.

Tooltip: If the user is in doubt about what kind of information should be filled out in specific fields, hovering over a question mark next to it will prompt an explanation.


The next step is to select the correct option from the list of available constraint types.

Constraint type


Input constraints

This type of constraint can usually be found in download requests. Here, the user is asked for different types of input.

The following constraints are available:

  • Date Input Constraint - the user who makes a request will have to choose a date from a calendar

  • String Input Constraint - the user who makes a request will have to fill in a text field. Can be rendered as both a string and a note field.

  • Combo Input Constraint - the user who makes a request will have to choose from a combo box you define.

This is an example of this type of constraint:

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Metadata constraints

This type of constraint gives the workflow administrator a great flexibility in terms of constraints as it allows to point to and interact with the metadata fields available in the customer’s Media Manager. In this type of constraint the metadata field’s content must match

the condition.

This is an example of a metadata constraint:

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the condition.

This is an example of a metadata constraint:

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It is very important that the System user has, at least, read rights to the metafield. Otherwise, it will not instantiate correctly + it will throw an error during instantiation. It’s preferred that the System user has read and write rights to all metadata fields - directly or through a group, doesn’t matter.

Upload constraints

The user who makes a download request will have to attach a file in the from specified by workflows administrator. This could be e.g. a consent form.

The upload constraint will be presented the same as any other input constraint, i.e. the functionality is the exact same as the other input constraints.

This is an example of an upload constraint:

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Execution condition

This type of constraint is related to who can execute the transition. The following constraints are possible:

  • Any user can transition

  • Allow the assignee to transition

  • Allow the workflow creator to transition

  • Allow a specific user or group to transition

This is an example of an execution condition constraint:

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Each constraint item has two icons in the upper right corner: one for the available actions regarding the constraint, and the other for re-ordering the constraint.


The following editing options are available for stages:



Top area of the modal

This is the name of the transition.

Unique ID

Any value consisting of letter and numbers. It needs to be unique only within the same workflow. It is used to identify a correct stage when setting up automations dependent on existing workflows + if you delete a stage, this name will be visible when you transition all the tasks that is in this stage at the time of deletion.


This is an optional field meant to provide the explanation of a particular stage. It will be shown in the task list and can indicate what an assigned user is supposed to do in this specific stage.

Mark as completed

Enable this on end stages. It is solely used to filter away tasks that are done in the task list. It has no other use/repercussions than this.

Relevant metadata field

The content of the metafields you set here, will be shown in tasks' details views.

Stage Owner

This decides which user or group is to be automatically assigned once this stage is entered.

This is explained in more detail in an upcoming paragraph.


It is possible to select a label which will visually represent the stage, both in the editor and the task list.

It is possible to choose one of the predefined labels or create a custom one.

Assigning a stage owner

The stage owner is the user or group who gets assigned a particular stage in a workflow.


There are 6 different types of automatic assignment behavior:




There is no stage owner.

Set Stage Assignment Behavior to “Unassigned”.

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This option should be used for the stages where no users or groups should be assigned.

An example of this could be that your task has reached an end state, e.g. a download request has been approved. No further action is needed here, and thus no one should be assigned.

The stage owner is a user.

Set Stage Assignment Behavior to “Assign to a user”. In the new field below select the stage owner from the provided list.

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This option should be used for stages that should be assigned to a specific user. All the available users are presented in the drop-down list.

The stage owner is a group.

Set Stage Assignment Behavior to “Assign to a group”. In the new field below select the stage owner from the provided list.

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This option should be used for stages that should be assigned to a specific group. All the available groups are presented in the drop-down list.

The stage owner is the instance owner.

Set Stage Assignment Behavior to “Assign to the instance owner”.

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This option should be selected, if the stage needs to be assigned to the user who initiated the event.

An example of this is, that you have an asset approval workflow, where the uploading user needs to fill in some metadata or input constraints before the approver is assigned.

As uploading cannot be “constrained“, the first stage you create must be assigned to the instance owner, to ensure that (s)he fulfills the metadata/input constraints before sending it onwards.

Current user or group remains as the stage owner.

Set Stage Assignment Behavior to “Keep current user or group”.

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Use this if you wish to retain the assignment set in the previous stage(s).

The stage owner is assigned by what’s set in a metafield.

Set Assign from Metafield to the correct MasterItemReference type metadata field from the list.

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This option allows for more flexibility when assigning, as this gives the ability to assign users and groups based on a value set in a metafield.

A use case could be a situation in which each asset has an owner who is responsible for what happens with this particular asset (like a photographer). Having the ability to link an asset with a user or group, allows for easy ownership assignment.

Please note that “assign from metafield” only works, when there is only one asset in the task. If the “assign from metafield” fails due to a too high number of assets in a task - or because the indicated metadata field is empty - the automatic stage assignment will act as a fallback. This is why the user needs to configure both options.

Saving a workflow

Once the workflow is fully defined, the user should click the Save button in the upper right corner of the workflow editing area.


  • in the task list view, in the last column

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  • in the task detail view, in the upper right corner of the modal.

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If there are no constraints attached to the selected action, the transition will be successful instantly.


  • In case of input constraints, the user needs to fill in additional information in the form of text, date or selecting an option from the provided list

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  • In case of upload constraint, the user needs to upload a file in a required format

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  • In case of metadata constraints, the user needs to make sure that the provided metadata fields are filled in according to the requirements.

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Multi-transition of tasks
