Note |
Remember to take a back backup first, and test of with Test before you touch Prod! |
The script takes the stage assignee from the current asset status “owner”. If no “owner” is specified, then the task is left unassigned.
The title of the tasks is assigned to the English title for the asset. If the asset doesn’t have a title, then no task will be created.
The script is safe to run multiple times since it will skip assets that already have a task for the specified business workflow.
If something fails when the script runs, all changes are undone, and the system is left as it was before the script was run.
Note |
Remember to take a back backup first, and test of with Test before you touch Prod! |
Code Block | ||
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declare @statusMapping table(statusValue nvarchar(max), stageUniqueId nvarchar(max), retired bit); ----- Set these parameters ------ declare @instanceOwnerId int = 10000; declare @businessWorkflowId int = 2; insert into @statusMapping(statusValue, stageUniqueId, retired) values ('#54a0ff;creative', 'creative', 0), ('#1dd1a1;approved', 'approved', 0), ('#ee5253;expired', 'expired', 1); ----- Script, do not touch ------ declare @assetStatusLabelId int; select @assetStatusLabelId = iml.item_metafield_labelid from item_metafield_label iml join item_metafield im on iml.item_metafieldid = im.item_metafieldid join item_item_metafield iim on im.item_metafieldid = iim.item_metafieldid join item i on i.itemid = iim.itemid where ItemGuid = '6fe35f10-c810-497b-af9c-e52c3d583593' and iml.languageid = 3 declare @assetTitleLabelId int; select @assetTitleLabelId = iml.item_metafield_labelid from item_metafield_label iml join item_metafield im on iml.item_metafieldid = im.item_metafieldid join item_item_metafield iim on im.item_metafieldid = iim.item_metafieldid join item i on i.itemid = iim.itemid where ItemGuid = '5eb3eefc-a043-410f-89b0-29ed3ef37078' and iml.languageid = 3 declare @assetStatusOwnerLabelId int; select @assetStatusOwnerLabelId = iml.item_metafield_labelid from item_metafield_label iml join item_metafield im on iml.item_metafieldid = im.item_metafieldid join item_item_metafield iim on im.item_metafieldid = iim.item_metafieldid join item i on i.itemid = iim.itemid where ItemGuid = 'fc948200-c103-41fb-8dae-bd1c5c6ce281' and iml.languageid = 3 declare @workflowVersionId int; select @workflowVersionId = versions.Id from BusinessWorkflowService_WorkflowDefinitionVersions versions where versions.WorkflowDefinitionId = @businessWorkflowId; declare @existingTasks table(itemId int INDEX IX1 CLUSTERED); insert into @existingTasks(itemId) select items.ItemId from BusinessWorkflowService_WorkflowInstanceItems items join BusinessWorkflowService_WorkflowProjectInstances instances on instances.Id = items.WorkflowInstanceId where instances.WorkflowDefinitionVersionId = @workflowVersionId; declare @assets table (assetId int, itemId int, uniqueStageId nvarchar(max), title nvarchar(max), retired bit, createdAt datetime, statusUpdatedAt datetime, stageOwnerId int) insert into @assets(assetId, itemId, uniqueStageId, title, retired, createdAt, statusUpdatedAt, stageOwnerId) select a.assetid, ia.itemid, map.stageUniqueId, imv_title.value, map.retired, a.upload_date, imv_status.DateModified, im.memberid from asset a join item_asset ia on a.assetid = ia.assetid join item i on ia.itemid = i.itemid join item_metafield_value imv_status on i.itemid = imv_status.itemid join item_combo_value icv on imv_status.item_metafield_labelid = icv.item_metafield_labelid and imv_status.item_combo_valueid = icv.item_combo_valueid join @statusMapping map on map.statusValue = icv.optionvalue join item_metafield_value imv_title on i.itemid = imv_title.itemid left join item_metafield_value imv_owner on i.itemid = imv_owner.itemid and imv_owner.item_metafield_labelid = @assetStatusOwnerLabelId left join item_member im on im.itemid = imv_owner.ref_itemid where imv_status.item_metafield_labelid = @assetStatusLabelId and imv_title.item_metafield_labelid = @assetTitleLabelId and not exists(select t.itemid from @existingTasks t where t.itemId = ia.itemid) begin transaction; declare @createdOwners table(memberId int, ownerId int); insert into BusinessWorkflowService_Owners(Discriminator, MemberOwner_MemberId) output inserted.MemberOwner_MemberId, inserted.Id into @createdOwners select distinct 'MemberOwner', a.stageOwnerId from @assets a where a.stageOwnerId is not null insert into BusinessWorkflowService_Owners(Discriminator, MemberOwner_MemberId) values ('MemberOwner', @instanceOwnerId) declare @instanceOwnerOwnerId int = scope_identity(); declare @createdTasks table(assetId int, itemId int, taskId int); merge BusinessWorkflowService_WorkflowProjectInstances as target using @assets as src left join @createdOwners owner on src.stageOwnerId = owner.memberId on (1 = 0) when not matched then insert (WorkflowDefinitionVersionId, CurrentStageName, CreatedAt, Guid, InstanceOwnerId, LastModified, StageOwnerId, Retired, Name, CurrentStageEnteredAt) values (@workflowVersionId, src.uniqueStageId, src.createdAt, newid(), @instanceOwnerOwnerId, src.statusUpdatedAt, owner.ownerId, src.retired, src.title, src.statusUpdatedAt) output src.assetId, src.itemId, inserted.Id into @createdTasks(assetId, itemId, taskId); insert into BusinessWorkflowService_WorkflowInstanceItems(WorkflowInstanceId, ItemType, ItemBaseId, ItemId) select t.taskId, 'asset', t.assetId, t.itemId from @createdTasks t; commit transaction; |
Note |
Remember to take a back backup first, and test of with Test before you touch Prod! |