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  1. Setup the Digizuite configuration

    1. Login the Digizuite with a user who has the rights to change the configuration.

    2. Go to System tools - Digizuite configuration

    3. Find and change the constant called "ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_AUTH_USER" and insert a user who has the rights to query the AD.

      1. The format is: AD\USERNAME@PASSWORD - This can be extended if needed:  AD\USERNAME@PASSWORD@LDAPADDRESS@PORT

    4. Recycle the application pool for the Digizuite

  2. Setup the AD sync application on the webserver.

    1. Located the program files, they are in the ZIP file of the installation package of the Digizuite.

    2. Unpack the directory called "CreateADGroupsAndUsers" to where you want the program located. e.g. C:\Program Files\CreateADGroupsAndUsers

    3. Edit the CreateADGroupsAndUsers.exe.config in a text editor.

      1. Enter the following values:

      2. Connectionstring - this value can be found in the web.config of you Digizuite. 

      3. DomainKeys - Test1

      4. Now you need to create a set of keys for the domain. You will need the following (The values has to be modified to your specific domain): 

        1. <add key="DomainPrefix_TEST1" value="TEST1"/>

        2. <add key="User_MustBeMemberOf_RegEx_TEST1" value="XnRlc3QxXC5kay9EQU1zeW5jR3JvdXBzL0V2ZXJ5Ym9keSQ="/> (Base64 encoded RegEx string: ^test1\.dk/DAMsyncGroups/Everybody$ )

        3. <add key="User_Regex_TEST1" value="XnRlc3QxXC5kay9EQU1zeW5jVXNlcnMvLiok" /> (Base64 encoded RegEx string: ^test1\.dk/DAMsyncUsers/.*$ )

        4. <add key="User_LdapFilter_TEST1" value="OU=DAMsyncUsers, DC=TEST1,DC=dk"/>

        5. <add key="User_BasePath_TEST1" value="TEST1"/>

        6. <add key="Group_LdapFilter_TEST1" value="OU=DAMsyncGroups, DC=TEST1,DC=dk"/>

        7. <add key="Group_BasePath_TEST1" value="TEST1"/>

        8. <add key="Group_Regex_TEST1" value=""/>

    4. Test the sync by opening the CreateADGroupsAndUsers.exe as an administrator 

    5. First click the "Create groups" button

    6. When the sync has finished click the "Create users" button

    7. Go to the Digizuite webinterface

    8. Now the Users should be located in "System tools" - "Users and Groups" - "Users" - "TEST1"

    9. Groups should be in "System tools" - "Users and Groups" - "Groups" - "TEST1"

  3. Setup a schduled Task that runs the job every day with the parameters: "-full" This ensures the sync is updated regularly. 

    1. e.g. "C:\Program Files\CreateADGroupsAndUsers\CreateADGroupsAndUsers.exe - full"

Setup of connectors or media manager:

Set a connector or Media manager to use SSO login

Troubleshooting and known issues:

How to troubleshoot SSO and known issues