Bug fix. Espicialy for situation where chanel structure and menu tree dosent match. Then wee return the new structur for assets even if wee get caled with the old structure. Uses the deepest ocurens of the asset if in multiple locations in the treeThe 2.0.1 release of Creative Cloud Connector contains a couple of bug fixes:
- a fix for the missing bindings inside InDesign files
- a fix for the correct number of files in folders
What is worth mentioning is the fix for the missing bindings inside InDesign: if the channel structure and the menu tree does not match, then it will return to the new folder structure, even if it's called from an old folder structure. Also, if the asset is in 2 folders, the link will use the deepest occurrence of the asset.
- Requires DAM 4.5.1 to work properly. If DAM 4.5.1 cant bee instaled be installed run the sql SQL script: 4.5.1_100_VersionSearches_CCC.sql
- Have tree notes with the same name on the same parent node.
What has been released?
The following has been fixed as part of this release:
Jira Legacy server JIRA (digizuite.atlassian.net) serverId b346411e-089f-3d39-96f7-afe5f75bcd96 key CCC-47
What is in the next release?
The next released is thought to contain a couple of bug fixes. The next version will be CCC 2.0.2